کالج بین الملل

کالج بین الملل

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

20 بهمن 1403 شنبه

Required Books


1. Top Notch ​FA (Third Edition)
2. Oxford Word Skills Basic
3. Tactics for Listening Basic


1. Top Notch ​FA (Third Edition)
2. Top Notch ​FB (Third Edition)
3. Oxford Word Skills Basic
4. Tactics for Listening Basic


1. Top Notch FB (Third Edition)
2. Oxford Word Skills Basic
3. Tactics for Listening Basic


1. Top Notch ​1A (Third Edition)
2. Oxford Word Skills Basic
3. Tactics for Listening Basic


1. Top Notch ​1B (Third Edition)
2. Oxford Word Skills Basic
3. Tactics for Listening Developing


1. Top Notch ​2A (Third Edition)
2. Oxford Word Skills ​Intermediate
3. Tactics for Listening ​Developing


1. Top Notch ​2A (Third Edition)
2. Top Notch ​2B (Third Edition)
3. Oxford Word Skills ​Intermediate
4. Tactics for Listening ​Developing


1. Top Notch 2B (Third Edition)
2. Top Notch 3A (Third Edition)
3. Oxford Word Skills ​Intermediate
4. Tactics for Listening ​Expanding


1. Top Notch 3A (Third Edition)
2. Top Notch 3B (Third Edition)
3. Oxford Word Skills ​Intermediate
4. Tactics for Listening Expanding


1. Top Notch 3B (Third Edition)
2. Oxford Word Skills ​Intermediate
3. Tactics for Listening Expanding


1. Summit 1A (Third Edition)


1. Summit 1B (Third Edition)


1. Summit 1B (Third Edition)


1. Summit 2A (Third Edition)


1. Summit 2B (Third Edition)


1. Summit 2B (Third Edition)


  • تاریخ انتشار : 1402/05/03 - 11:34
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 725
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

برگزاری دوره آمادگی OET

Occupational English Test (OET) Preparation Course

Course Description:

In this course, participants will be supported in preparing for their OET exam through:

  • Familiarising them with each of the four skill sections of the OET exam (i.e., speaking, listening, reading and writing)
  • Exploring effective strategies for each part and putting these into practice
  • Exploring a range of useful OET resources and strategies

The OET is accepted as proof of English proficiency in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Namibia and Singapore for registration in 12 healthcare professions


Class Hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays (14-15.30)

The classes will be held online but they can be held in-person on demand too.



For the summer classes:

Maryam Abbassi


There are 12 specializations within OET, which correspond to different professions such as Dentistry, Speech Pathology, Podiatry, Nursing, Medicine, Optometry, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Radiography, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Veterinary Science.

آزمون   OET  برای  ۱۲ رشته زیر برگزار می شود:

  • دندان پزشکی
  • داروسازی
  • متخصصین تغذیه
  • فیزیوتراپیست ها
  • پزشکی
  • Podiatry
  • پرستاری
  • رایوگرافی
  • کار درمانی
  • گفتار درمانی
  • اپتومتری ( بینایی سنجی )
  • دامپزشکی

فراگیران از رشته های مختلف در یک کلاس قرار می گیرند اما در آموزش بخش Writing  و Speaking  نکات مورد نیاز هر رشته با افراد بطور ویژه کار می شود.

  • گروه خبری : اخبار کالج بین الملل
  • کد خبر : 240672
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