سوالات متداول دانشجویان خارجی

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For International Students


؟Are emergency withdrawal and course withdrawal subject to payment of fees

Yes. Emergency withdrawal and course withdrawal, leading to withdrawal of the academic semester, even if it is evidenced by doctor’s certificate or exit from the country and student’s failure to complete the academic semester due to justifiable reasons, approved by the Department of Academics, will be subject to payment of university fees and the amounts paid will not be refunded. Academic scholarship for the withdrawn semester due to emergency, approved by doctor’s certificate, will remain in full force and for other groups, the related scholarship will be cancelled and the student has to pay the related share.


؟ Should the student pay fee in case of an academic leave

Yes. Students who apply for academic leave (including medical and non-medical leaves), when their request has been approved by the Deputy Office of Academics of the Campus, are required to pay fixed fee for any academic semester, which is located within his/her leave period.


؟How is university fee calculated for a withdrawing student

In all academic levels, withdrawal at any time since the first year of study, shall be subject to payment of annual educational fee (for two semesters) and the amount paid by the student will not be refunded. In other academic years, in case of withdrawal, the scholarship for the student’s withdrawn semester will be cancelled and the students are required to pay the fee for the academic semester during the withdrawal.


؟ Is the expelled student required to pay penalty

In all academic levels, expulsion at any time since the first year of study, shall be subject to payment of annual educational fee (for two semesters) and the amount paid by the student will not be refunded. In other academic years, in case of expulsion, the scholarship for the student’s expulsion semester will be cancelled and the students are required to pay the fee for the academic semester during the expulsion.


؟ Is the scholarship for students who apply for changing their level/field of study, cancelled from the previous level

A student who applies for changing his/her level/field of study, considering the requirement for completion of withdrawal from the first level/field of study, is considered as a withdrawn student and Committee for Award of Scholarship to International Students will make decision regarding the second field/level of study.


؟ How are the semesters in which the student is waiting to take part in the basic sciences comprehensive exam (semesters with no course credits) calculated

PhD students who has passed the test stages including basic sciences comprehensive exams and pre-internship exams, are required to pay fixed fees without applying the scholarship‌ (for students eligible for educational scholarships).